Scientific Functions |
Scientific functions allow you to perform trigonometric calculations on data during transformation. Refer to Transforming Data using XSLT Functions, for more information on the procedure to transform the data using XSLT functions.
Remember: The scientific function block accepts only integers as valid inputs. Convert all source data into a numeric format using the Numeric function. Input parameters passed to all trigonometric functions ( Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Arc Sine, Arc Cosine, Arc Tangent) should be in radians.
The various scientific functions supported by Cordys, their functionality, and parameters that have to be specified are described in the table below:
Table 1. Scientific Functions
Scientific Function |
Description |
Parameters |
Sine |
Returns the Sine value of a specified number |
Number - Specify the source element for which the Sine value has to be calculated. |
Cosine |
Returns the Cosine value of a specified number |
Number - Specify the source element for which the Cosine value has to be calculated. |
Tangent |
Returns the Tangent value of a specified number |
Number - Specify the source element for which the Tangent value has to be calculated. |
Arc Sine |
Returns the Arc Sine value of a specified number |
Number - Specify the source element for which the Arc Sine value has to be calculated. |
Arc Cosine |
Returns the Arc Cosine value of a specified number |
Number - Specify the source element for which the Arc Cosine value has to be calculated. |
Arc Tangent |
Returns the Arc Tangent value of a specified number |
Number - Specify the source element for which the Arc Tangent value has to be calculated. |
Exponential |
Returns 'e' raised to a power, that is, the value of enumber, where 'e' is approximately equal to 2.718, and number is the input parameter. |
Number - Specify the source element for which the exponential value has to be calculated. |
Logarithm |
Returns the natural logarithm of a specified number |
Number - Specify the source element for which the natural logarithm has to be calculated. |
Power Of |
Returns the number raised to a specified power |
Base Number - This parameter in the function block takes as input the base number which has to be raised. Index Number - This parameter takes as input the power to which the base number has to be raised. |